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Hiking in Ala Archa gorge in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a country of great possibilities and it is possible to immerse in nature and culture of the Kyrgyz people by starting to hike in Ala-Archa gorge. In the course of a car rent tour in Kyrgyzstan make a witness of the gorge located in 41 km from the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Gaining travel experience on a rented car you will be informed about the history of the place which is seen to start since 1976. Ala Archa is a national park of stunning nature and unforgettable landscapes. The name of the gorge is known to be translated as "bright and colorful juniper". Local dwellers used to burn juniper - or archa - for evil spirits to get away from their houses. During your car rent tour in Ala Archa you will notice that the park is 200 km2 and most of it is covered with Tien Shan mountains. The car for rent tour may start from the lowest height - 1600 m above sea level and be continued up to the highest one - the Peak Semenov-Tienshanski. When you decided to travel in Kyrgyzstan on a rented car and make a visit of the gorge you are required to make a witness of glaciers - the Adygene and the Ak-Sai. You have to decide what you are looking for in Ala Archa - to hike, to walk, to wander, to enjoy nature. After you express us your desires, we are going to create the greatest car rent tour in Kyrgyzstan which may be travelled by all guests of the country.

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