Our company is ready to provide additional information about the history of Kyrgyzstan and introduction. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will be told that, Kyrgyz used to live in nomadic way of life. They never built big houses because they didn't want to destroy nature and thus it made them to live in dwellings - yurts. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will never see any written records left by Kyrgyz, they used to speak orally. So, you will be inspired by reality of Kyrgyz lifestyle.
It is worth noting that, Kyrgyz has approximately 2000 years of history and first remaining of the ethnonym "Kyrgyz" was mentioned 201 BC.
Prehistory (1 million years ago - 1 000 BC)
It is important to say that, the prehistory of Kyrgyz appearance marked a significant feature of developing of culture and art. In the course of your tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will be impressed by the Rock Art Gallery in Cholpon Ata. The Bronze Age contributed many spiritual centers during visits of ancient humans during seasonal holidays. When you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will notice 2000 images carved on stones, rocks as well as petroglyphs, which include different kind of animal images, goats, bulls, horses, deers, camels, dogs and other creatures. In addition, you will be surprised by interesting pictures of hunting, plowing, ritual dancing, animals with carts, labyrinths, erotic and others.
Ancient History (1 000 BC - 300 AD)
Travelling in Kyrgyzstan will let you know about ancient history. It is known that, the first remaining of the ethnonym "Kyrgyz" was found in 201 BC. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will be told that, there was one Chinese historian Sima Tan, who first noted in his chronicle "Historical notes", that Kyrgyz people and other five people conquered by the Hunnu. The next remaining of Kyrgyz was found in the 1st century BC on another Chinese chronicle Han-shu (History of Han) by historian Ban Gu. There was description of Kyrgyz people. Some sources say that, Kyrgyz people were placed in the area of Eastern Turkestan, where the territory of present Kyrgyzstan now.
Turkic Era (500-1200)
If you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will be told about Turkic Era which passed through the period of the early Middle Ages in the 6th up to 13th centuries. It was time the migration of Turkic-speaking tribes from the Altai Mountains to the Central Asian region where Turkic dynasties formed its state. It is known that, there were not any remain of Kyrgyz in that period as well as in Chinese notes too in the first six centuries AD. Over the time, the Kyrgyz formed its own Kaganate on the middle Yenisei River and South Siberia in the 7th century. The ruler of the state was Barsbek ajo-king. In 9th and 10th centuries, the Yenisei Kyrgyz established the empire which strained from the Irtysh River in the west to the Big Khingan range in the east, from the Angara and Selenga Rivers in the north to the Gobi Desert in the south. Finally, it resulted to the Great Kyrgyz Empire with the help of Russian and Soviet historian Barthold.
The Mongol Rule (1200-1400)
The Mongol Rule made a noticeable page in the 13th century in the history of Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. This period of time, resulted to the big Mongol assault. Theó Mongol army was ruled by Genghis Khan. He was first who occupied the territory of Central Asia by devastating as well as developing the Turkic culture. After sometime, the Yenisei Kyrgyz joined to Genghiz Khan's army in 1207, who ruled for several hundred years.
Later, the Kyrgyz, start following Islam due to high impact of Persian, Arab and Turkic traders who traveled along the Silk Road in the 12th and 15th centuries. It longed for a short period of time due to shamanistic traditions among the Kyrgyz people.
Kyrgyz consolidation (1400-1800)
In the course of your tours in Kyrgyzstan, you will be told about Kyrgyz consolidation which made Kyrgyz to move from South Siberia to the territory of present Kyrgyzstan in 15th century. This period of time marked the absence oà Kyrgyz state in 15-19th centuries. It is important to note that, Kyrgyz wanted to create its own state but in the end they successfully established ethno-political system consisting of two wings, centers and tribes. Each state was independent and longed for four centuries.
Russian Colonization (1770-1917)
It is not surprising that, Russian Colonization made a huge contribution to the development of Kyrgyz state. Since, Russia was a leading empire, they asked northern Kyrgyz leaders to be a member of Russia and protect them from external and internal threats coming from China, Koqand and Kazakhs. Over the time, southern Kyrgyzstan was taken by force due to colonization policy and military campaigns of the Russian Empire. Eventually, the territories of Central Asia and Kazakhstan established a new administrative-territorial system, which led to the development of the nomadic lifestyle and setting agricultural economy. Generally speaking, Russian Colonization developed the Kyrgyz state and marked positive pages to the history.
Soviet Rule (1917-1991)
During your tours in Kyrgyzstan, you will be introduced by Bolsheviks who ruled in 1917 and developed new pages in the history of Kyrgyzstan. In this period of time, people of Central Asia were supported by the government and were equal to each other. Kyrgyzstan met by the most fruitful political, economic and cultural development of the country. When you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will find the development the system of elementary, secondary and higher education, professional literature, theatre, painting, cinema, science and the establishment of a large-scale heavy metal processing industry and machinery. Kyrgyzstan started prospering due to the policy of Bolsheviks, excluding the fact that, Authorization, Collectivization and Cultural Revolution are resulted to the mass killings of innocent people.
Independent Kyrgyzstan (since 1991)
It is important to note that, the collapse of the Soviet Union established a new period in the history where the country got a status of independent Kyrgyzstan. It resulted to the forming of national flag, emblem and anthem. The first constitution of Kyrgyzstan was held in 1993 and became a member of UN on 2nd of March 1992. Unfortunately, the prosperity of successful independence gone and country faced mass-scale unemployment. Unluckily, Kyrgyzstan ran into a deep political, economic and social crisis. Instead of being an "island of democracy", the country turned into an "island of instability" in Central Asia. There were next following revolutions in 2005 and 2010 which dismissed two presidents. Over the time, country reached political stabilization social and economic development. In 2010, the country turned from a presidential to a parliamentary system and election of new president in 2017.