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Ranges in Kyrgyzstan

Tours in Kyrgyzstan will give you opportunity to see 88 major mountain ranges in Kyrgyzstan. It is important to note that, the greatest mountain in Kyrgyzstan is the Tien Shan System or the Celestial Mountains. You will also see the Chon Alai range in the South of the country which belongs to the Pamir System. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will see division into a number of quite distinct regions between Bishkek - Osh road. When you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will notice ranges of 100 to 300 kilometers high, the longest is Kakshaal of 582 kilometers as well as the Kyrgyz Range, which lays the South of Bishkek of 454 kilometers long. In the course of your tours in Kyrgyzstan, you will see wonderful ranges between 10 and 40 kilometers wide.

During your tour in Kyrgyzstan, you are going to get acquainted with the Terskey Ala Too range or the "shady mountains". It is located along the Southern shores of lake Issyk Kul. The next is the Kungey Ala Too range or the "sunny mountains". It is located along the Northern shores of lake Issyk Kul near Kazakhstan. When you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will be inspired by the Kyrgyz range which extends from Issyk Kul across the Northern length of the country. It is about 40 km South of Bishkek. Your route is going to be continued by visiting the Pamirs, which are situated in the South of the country. It is important to note that, the most Northerly ranges of the system are in Kyrgyzstan is the Zaalaiskiy range. Actually the Pamir or Alai Mountains include Turkestan and Alai ranges. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will get acquainted "Ala Too" mountains which means "many colors", "colorful" or "bright mountains". The snow on mountains lies at about 3600 meters. In addition, you will have opportunity to see wonderful ranges as Ak Sheirak, Chatkal, Ferghana, Keolu, Kok Shaal, Talas and Zaalaisky.


Here you can find additional information:

Kyrgyz Jeti Oguz gorge
Sulaiman Mountain in Kyrgyzstan
Natural forests Arslanbob
Uzgen complex in Kyrgyzstan
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